PHARMAFREAK RIPPED FREAK Hybrid Fat Burner is specially formulated to release stored fat and help you burn fat at an extremely high rate! It's called a Hybrid Fat Burner due to the fact that it incorporates a number of scientifically proven ingredients brought together in one unique fat burning supplement. PHARMAFREAK RIPPED FREAK Hybrid Fat Burner formula addresses certain weight loss triggers in your body! (1) PHARMAFREAK RIPPED FREAK Hybrid Fat Burner includes some really distinct ingredients never before used in diet or weight loss supplements!
Ingredients: A special stimulant extract from Olive leaf known as Oleuropein Aglycone (OA), which can help sustain norepinephrine, epinephrine (adrenaline) as well as uncoupling protein (UCP) levels! A distinctive Red Pepper extract called CH-19 Sweet Red Pepper (0.75 % Capsiate), which can support a boost in uncoupling proteins (UCPs) along with energy expended during your intense workout session.......FEEL THE RIPPED FREAK BURN!!! (2) PHARMAFREAK RIPPED FREAK Hybrid Fat Burner contains only a scientifically selected choice of ingredients delivered in the most effective doses! Unlike many other fat burners on the marketplace, PHARMAFREAK RIPPED FREAK does not consist of small amounts of a number of ingredients in its fat burner. Rather, PHARMAFREAK RIPPED FREAK contains scientifically selected amounts of vital ingredients! (3) How many PHARMAFREAK RIPPED FREAK Hybrid Fat Burner pills do I need to take? PHARMAFREAK RIPPED FREAK Hybrid Fat Burner is so powerful that 1 only, yes just one, hybrid fat burning capsule is all your body needs!
Read the entire label and understand all warnings before us and follow the directions. As a dietary supplement, take 1 capsule of RIPPED FREAK with an 8-ounce glass of water on an empty stomach, first thing in the morning before breakfast. OPTIONAL SECOND
Keep out of reach of children. DO NOT EXCEED 2 CAPSULES IN A 24-HOUR PERIOD AND DO NOT TAKE WITHIN 6 HOURS BEFORE BEDTIME. Not intended for persons under 18 years of age. Do not use if you are pregnant or nursing.One serving of this product (1 capsule) contains about as much caffeine as three 8-ounce cups of coffee. Do not use with caffeine-containing medications, foods and beverages.