About BlackBoard Training: The “BlackBoard Training System” provides a revolutionary capability for training specific movement patterns of the foot, strengthening neuronal connections, and reintegrating them into everyday life. Because its two connected platforms can move independently, it allows isolating specific movements of the forefoot and rear foot for training. The movement axes can be placed freely, which in addition to mobilization also supports targeted activation and strengthening of certain (perhaps deficient) muscle groups.
Rehabilitation: Injuries invariably involve pain. This can lead to visible reactions such as swelling or relief posture, but also cause less obvious changes in neuromuscular control. We use a number of specific cases to give you an impression of how versatile the BlackBoard can be in mobilizing and stabilizing specific areas during all phases of rehabilitation. Every BlackBoard comes with a detailed Manual of individual adjustments for certain injuries.
Lateral ankle sprain: A lateral ankle sprain is a common injury where one or more lateral ligaments of the ankle are sprained. The first step to rehabilitation is mobilizing areas that do not strain the lateral ligaments too much. The healing connective tissue needs to be stressed later on to increase its strength and resilience. This can be done by carefully putting the ligament structures under tension. At the same time, the neuromuscular effects of the injury need to be treated in order to reduce the risk of secondary injuries. This is aimed towards the control of maximum range movements. Over the remaining course of the therapy, the relevant muscles need to be trained so that the foot can once again form a stable and powerful foundation. (e.g., Tibialis Anterior Training). The muscles attached to the ankle on the inner heel are crucial for a functional and reliable foundation. They transform horizontal forces into vertical ones.
1. Mobilization Supination:
2. Activation Inversion:
3. Activation Eversion:
4. Training Tibialis Anterior:
5. Training Inversion:
Plantar Fasciitis: Plantar fasciitis is a disorder that results in pain in the heel and bottom of the foot. 80% of patients have a tendency towards fallen arches. This position causes a permanent overstressing of the ligaments, which leads to pain. Therapy should aim to mobilize the foot, but especially to re-stabilize the arch.
1. Activation Peroneus:
2. Activation Inversion:
3. Training Inversion:
4. Training Tibialis Anterior:
Cruciate ligament disruption: Cruciate ligament disruption is a severe injury of the knee resulting from torsional trauma. It can severely affect the neuromuscular system. The primary goal in rehabilitation is to stabilize the knee joint to protect it from shear forces. As these gravitational forces affect the foot first, it should be the first route of approach in therapy as well. This is the only way to effectively treat the compensation mechanisms on a neuromuscular level. When the ball of the foot rotates inward, the planter fascia comes under tension and activates the surrounding muscles. This mechanism gives our body a strong basis, which stabilizes the leg axially for moving or standing up. During the proliferation phase (the phase of cell generation), it is important to give the regenerating cruciate ligament information to help it align its cellular structure. The inward rotation of the knee joint, accompanied by a restricted pronation lets us increase the tension along the anterior cruciate ligament, which benefits cell generation and the stability of the ligament down the line. Warning! Only conduct this exercise after consulting (or in the presence of) an experienced therapist or your doctor, as both the intensity and the duration, can vary according to your specific needs. The rear, inner muscle chain is activated through the active inversion (adductors and ischiocrural muscles). This muscle complex serves to protect the anterior cruciate ligament, and should always be trained as a part of rehabilitation. Balancing exercises on unstable ground benefit the central nervous system and improve reaction times. The BlackBoard allows these exercises to target specific muscles and the respective muscle chains (e.g., the tibialis anterior complex).
1. Activation Peroneus:
2. Mobilization Pronation:
3. Activation Inversion:
4. Training Tibialis Anterior:
5. Training Tibialis Anterior:
BlackBoard Performance: Our movement apparatus comprises very different structures, including muscles, joints, ligaments, connecting tissue, and the central nervous system, to name just a few. To achieve maximum performance, each of these structures needs to be healthy and in perfect working condition. For instance, a strong muscle can never deliver its full strength if the tendon that connects it to the bone is causing pain due to an inflammation. The same holds true for any other structure involved in body movements. The speed strength cascade shows the order in which the individual components of a movement take place.
A black board for more stability: Our feet essentially form the foundation on which our body moves. A wider foundation makes our body more stable; and athletes need an especially strong foundation because they demand instant turns and rotations, changes in direction, accelerations, and stops from their body. That kind of motor performance cannot be achieved without a strong foundation.Example: Stable body on a broad foundation (fig. 1) and unstable body on a weak foundation (fig. 2).
To specifically improve the foundation and overall stability, we can use the wedge or rocker function of the BBT. These two settings enable us to specifically activate the surface or deeper muscle layers, which allows us to perform selective neuro-muscular training exercises.
Maximum performance for competitions and injury prevention: As shown by the speed strength cascade, mobility represents the very foundation of performance. The 32 joints in our feet are especially restricted in their natural movement by wearing tight shoes. The BlackBoard provides an easy way to remedy these restrictions. Please refer to the Rehabilitation section; there, we show exactly how to turn constricted feet into a powerful foundation for better performance and stability.
Video Library:
1. Acceleration Rocker I:
2. Activation Eversion:
3. Activation Forefoot:
4. Activation Inversion:
5. Forefoot Internal Rotation unloaded:
6. Mobilisation Forefoot Abduction I:
7. Mobilisation Forefoot ABDuction II:
8. Mobilisation Forefoot ADDuction III:
9. Mobilisation Forefoot: